Well, after the wild winds & winter of Saturday 28th, I wasn't really looking forward to riding on Sunday 29th!
The gritters out Saturday evening didn't help.
It seems, however, that the bad weather fairy got messed about with the change to British Summer Time, and my awakening was greeted with blue skies and sunshine. At 9:45. my new riding parter, a former Olympic paddler, turned up. Faced with the prospect of being left behind by the superfit, we set off on my usual circular route. Living in generally a flat area, with hills being a drive or a ride across the city away, laziness gives in to planning.
Thankfully, the 300 foot climb was joined by quiet from behind me. Its good to get the lungs working early. The rain of last week had softened the terrain, but not to un ridable extent.
On approach to some anonymous farm/industrial units came across the above. Not something you fall across regularly. After taking the pic, it took off, avoiding the bird table & electric wires neatly. For the next few miles we kept having the feeling of being watched from afar, with the 'bird' sometimes visible circling about. If this is my last post. Then nice knowing you. 25 miles 1300 feet. One unscheduled off, not by me.