So, I have managed to cycle to work through most of the winter, save for the odd minus 10 episode, when catching busses seemed more appropriate. Through this time, the meeting of another commuting cyclist, along my route, wasn't a regular occurance. This is usually accompanied by the occasional grunt, nod, or at the very least, a look of recognition. A greeting, not too friendly, but not small enough to ignore the other cyclist.
An occasional stop to rescue/chat to a puncture victim, was still not a problem.
Then we had lighter/sunnier/warmer mornings together with >£6 a gallon. The sound of shed doors and the wresting of pieces of metalwork from the clutches of the lawnmower could be heard across the land.
I now encounter 30+ cycle commuters on my 5 mile journey. Nods and grunts now seem to have been abandoned, as far too many to be friendly, and likely to be thought of as a bit odd. So what is the critical mass of friendlyness -> unfriendlyness? Not sure, didn't really notice it happen.
Interestingly enough though, I sometimes divert my route through the local county park. To get my fix of trees, tree roots & muddy tracks. I have noticed that pre 8:00am dog walkers, in this area are still civil enough for a healthy 'Mornin'. I guess there aren't enough of them.
Post 17:00 walkers are outnumbering the early visitors, and thus, fall into the unfriendly category.
So that experiment wrapped up, I feel better already. Just one addendum, how should you greet those who you see all year round ? The old man with dog on the riverbank, still gets his 'mornin', and he still looks as surprised as he always did.... I like to be a bit unpedictable