South Downs Way 100

Friday 11 March 2011

Finally out again...

Out with some newbies from the office this afternoon, took them round some of the best bits on Holmbury Hill, Barry Knows Better, Parklife and Telegraph Road. Good times.

My time on the bike as been severely constrained the last few weeks having put my neck out in halfterm week, 1 trip to the osteopath improved but not right, 2nd visit next week hopefully will resolve.

Bike fun has been confined to the garage, fitting some brakes to friend's anti-diluvian marin and putting some bling on the Orange. new bars, seatpost and stem. Looks good first shakedown today seemed OK.

The Marin was a pain apparently there was an old post mount, slightly different to current post mount, so fitted an adaptor imported from Canada (!?) post mount to IS mount then a IS adaptor to current Hayes. then messed around with spacers until it kinda lined up. Not my finest hour in the workshop, but we got it working. bodgit and scarper, havent heard if he's ridden it yet!

Its late and i need my beauty sleep. bye for now

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