South Downs Way 100

Friday 15 June 2012

Interim update

Not posted for a couple of weeks, mainly due to nothing particularly eventful happening.
Managed 30 odd last Sunday, no idea exactly as I managed to stop the clock at some point in the ride.  Missed out the boring road bit, but felt I rode a bit faster overall. Cut short mainly because I ran out of water in the Camelbak.
Need to address this somehow. Wondering whether a larger capacity bladder thing(not mine) will fit in...  Noticed another pair of bottle cage bosses on the bike, but again, unsure whether another will fit.

Forgot to attach the tool bag to saddle, therefore had a puncture three miles from home. Dragging a tyre off the rim with fingertips is interesting. Never did find the puncture-er, guess it lying on the track for next time.

A bit of inspiration came this morning, when a group of neighbours set off for three peaks challenge. They are hoping to start at 5 this evening. They seem to have done most of their training in the pub. Hope they manage OK. Good luck guys.

Mid week rides have been missed due to various kids lift home from school, appointments etc needing to drive. Normal Sunday ride will be moved forward to Saturday as spending whole fathers day on a coach to hertfordshire watching No.1 son in a sports tournament!

The totaliser on the justgiving page is going up. Also have a few pledges on the noticeboard at work to add in which is really good. If you haven't added to it yet, then please get over to:

Click on either of the Donate buttons a shove a couple of quid on.


ps. Just found out my brother is also doing a sponsored ride on the same day. More details to follow...

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