South Downs Way 100

Thursday 4 October 2012

Dusting off the cobwebs

Bizarrely, not done an awful lot of riding these past few weeks. All good intentions, mind. I stupidly thought the school hols would bring opportunity with the passenger free commute. How wrong could one be? Never ending lists of pickups, home by x o'clocks and freezers to transport.

Still, have managed a few Sunday rides, generally in preparation for:
The Viking Challenge

A local 50k off road thingy that me and the Nikster did last year. I have a feeling that the terrain wont be as hard and dusty though. Still apparently, its been worse.

Training has been limited to the Possessed Life Fitness exercise bike.  It's meant to keep your heart rate at 80% (of what?) by adjusting the tension or whatever. Seems though, even when my hands are not on the sensor, it sometimes reads a very low rate, so ups the difficulty...hmph.  Best music for this is any Ramones, at 90+ bpm, keeps the cadence at the right pace.

Will report back with time, although unlikely to beat last years 3h 20m.


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