South Downs Way 100

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Right that's circuit training off the list.

Well I said I'd give it a go. No one told me there was running involved, bikes made running obsolete surely. All that lunging and sweating, not pleasant. It took me back to school and not in a good way either, in a big echoey hall, with someone shouting instructions. It made me realise one of the reasons I like mountain biking so much is the lack of structure, discipline etc. you just do it, and if you do it more you get better, to a point. But mainly because it makes me smile more than it makes me grimace, and there's shiney kit to drool over. Rather than just drooling because you;ve done too many squat thrusts and push ups.

I pick up my bike tomorrow with shiney new SLX brakes fitted, now thats exciting. Oh yeah and I've started a Pilates class on wednesdays, much more 'brighton'.

I must start booking accomodation for May too, looks like youth hostels all the way, apparently youth isn't a requirement, which is lucky. Nearest one to the start is Ennerdale, which is 10 miles into the route, not sure what to do about that. hey-ho as Joey, Deedee, Johny and Tommy used to say, let's go.

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