South Downs Way 100

Monday 16 July 2012

1 week left, gulp

Looks like the weather won't be too bad.  No time for the ground to dry out though.

I've washed my bike, greased and lubed. Changed tyres, written lists of tools for my bag, tools for the car, spares for the car. Bought so much energy food, Napoleon could have made it to Moscow. I think we are nearly ready, trying to eat well, go to bed early and not let work get to me this week.

I'll be using a cool little tracker application on the day, so you should be able to see how far we've got by clicking on this; At the moment it has us in the Atlantic, but I'm hoping it wont be that wet!

Been working on some approximate timings for where we'll be and when, I reserve the right for this to be utterly wrong though.

Come and say hi if you're in the area, meet us at the end for a cheeky shandy at Beachy Head or just bung some money on the site. By the way we've raised £1000 which is good, but i'm sure there's a bit more down the back of the sofa, under the driver's seat or in the biscuit tin.

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