South Downs Way 100

Monday 16 March 2009

Get Lost - Officially

I got a fantastic birthday present. I got a Garmin Edge 205 bike GPS. This supposedly means that I plan my routes on the computer, transfer to unit & off I go. The thing records all where I go, & how fast etc, plus telling me what turns to take a-la-TomTom.
So I go and download a route, and the things says there are too many waypoints & truncates the route. The expert pnik, says I have to translate it to a course & get that onto the unit. Jobdone, off I go. The course I downloaded is an offshoot of one of my regular rides. I get to the required path & press start. 'You've won, congratulations' what? silly thing thinks I'm there already. A bit of faffing with buttons & it starts timing me. Good. A short fracas with a pair of ratty Jack Russells intent on getting me off the bike, they nearly did. I think I have just found the origins of Polo.
Anyhow, get to unknown farm track, and the unit is pointing its little arrow forwards, in fact, wherever I go, Its pointing forwards. A quick switch back & forth proves the fact. It seems to drawing my route, not directing me. Hmph. few miles of make-it-up, gets me to the desired incline. Yes, a funny thing has happened, with maps on the screen, I am now actively looking for hills to go UP. Even if it means a very round the houses(trees) to get to the right end.
Get home & plug it in & I seem to be getting bits of course with gaps. 25 miles 1200feet ascent. Not many hills round here.Little more work to do.
On the way to work, Monday morning, I get it to the virtual partner setting, to race myself from last week. Piece of cake. hmmmm, cake...

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