South Downs Way 100

Monday 28 May 2012

A good ride out

Lovely sunny Sunday. Thats a huge field of Flax pictured above. You could see it for miles. Picture doesn't do it justice though, but a great vivid blue.

Managed a great ride out on my new route, with added loops to get some more hillage. 36 miles, 2340 feet of climbing. Still not SDW scales, but there nontheless. Average 10.4 mph.
Got two days commutes in as well on Tuesday and Thursday. 10 mile each way gets my weekly total to 76 miles. Dont have the spare time to get much more riding in, unfortunately. I have noticed the importance of recovery time, which is obvious really. A day or two between really helps. Diet is being watched carefully too, feeding muscles properly. I can understand now, how sport science degrees really go for three years. I am definately the less able of the pack, so important to get my strength and endurance up.

Almost forgot, last week the Cold war came to the East Midlands. Spotted AWACS and Vulcan bomber in the vicinity of the airport, two or three days apart. By the time I got my phone out for pics, they were gone. You will have to take my word for it.

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