South Downs Way 100

Monday 14 May 2012

Pheasant Chasing

The sun came out, and all the bikes came out to play. Our area was covered in roadies yesterday. We're on a route, I think.
I planned a ride out, taking in West Leake hills & some local tracks. Part of a ride done with Pnik some years before, whilst training for C2C.  27 miles, and 1500 ft climbing. Thats a quarter of the distance, and an eighth of the climbing, but I did average 10mph which I was quite pleased with.

First attempt lasted one minute, when I realised that bottom jockey wheel on the rear mech was having trouble going round. return to house. Liberal oiling and mechanical assistance(!!) and all was good again. Got me thinking about replacing some of the works before July.  Do you hear that? .....Its a can of worms being opened...

The ride did, however involve bridleways through rough farm yards and ploughed fields, with two foot of wheat, which make it interesting. Some of the local wildlife was not expecting to be found. A couple of pheasants flapping skywards unannounced gives you quite a jump. The gates round here are not as well kept as those on more well known routes, so feet down in sloppy cow muck was the order of the day.  Anyhow, good ride, legs aching today, but expected that. Definately above the line.

No pics I am afraid as phone was running out of charge.

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